• Because our lobby is not separated from the studio space, it is imperative that talking and noise are avoided so that our students can focus during class. We ask that the noise level from siblings and parents waiting, be kept at a low level when classes are in session. We kindly ask that you keep conversations to a minimum.

  • Parents and siblings should never interrupt a class in session.

  • Dancers are not allowed onto the dance floor until the instructor has started class.

  • Dancers must place belongings in cubbies. Please leave chairs for seating.

  • Siblings must be supervised at all times and are not free to run around the lobby. 

  • Please only bring water and tightly covered drinks. 

  • Dancers should also remain on the floor unless getting water or going to the restroom, and interaction should only occur if necessary so as to avoid distractions.

  • NO running is allowed in the studio. Rough play will not be tolerated.

  • Please show proper respect for your dance studio by placing empty cups, water bottles, wrappers, and other items in the garbage cans provided.


To avoid overcrowding and lobby noise, dancers should arrive no sooner than 10 minutes before their class begins. Please do not drop off and leave siblings unattended. We encourage drop-off for Mini, Jr, and Teens dancers but please plan to stay at the studio with your child until the start of class.


For safety reasons, dancers are not allowed to participate in a class if they arrive more than 15 minutes past the start time unless you have let the studio know prior to your arrival. Dancers should be picked up promptly after each class is over.


Once your child's class has ended we ask that you do not congregate in the lobby area. Parents and dancers are not allowed to hang out in the lobby. It is very important that instructors are able to start the next class on time without disruptions.


We have a stay-at-home policy for sickness. Please do NOT bring your child to class if they are showing any sign of sickness or have a fever. If a child complains of or shows any signs of sickness once they come into the studio, the parent will be called to pick them up immediately. 


The Dance Space does require a dress code. A neat and tidy appearance sets an attitude of attentiveness and respect for students, teachers, and the art of dance. Also, teachers must be able to see the dancer's body outline clearly in order to make proper corrections on posture, alignment, etc. 

  • Hair must be pulled up for all classes.

  • No candy or gum.

  • No costume jewelry or toys in class.

  • Proper shoes for class.

Please refer to our dress code guide for all class attire expectations. We also have an online dancewear store for your convenience that ships right to your home.


Be sure to check your email regularly to stay in the loop with studio updates.

Office Admin Hours: Monday - Thursday 1:00pm - 6:30pm
Studio Hours: Monday - Thursday 3:00pm - 8:30pm

Instagram: @chsdancespace
Facebook: The Dance Space

Tag us in your studio pics and videos. We love to see it!

Your courtesy will be greatly appreciated. We deeply appreciate the opportunity to teach your children and are grateful for your understanding and patronage. Looking forward to a great season! Let me know if you have any questions or concerns.